Christian morality has always been challenged and rejected by unbelievers. But today even many believers have lost their moral footing. Moreover, believers who want to live ethically are frequently confused by the complexities of ethical decisions. Even so, with proper study of the Bible's system of ethics, Christians can learn how to evaluate problems in ways that lead to biblical solutions.

In this course you will be introduced to key biblical themes that integrate emotional health with spiritual maturity. It offers a strategy for discipleship that leads to a powerful journey of transformation through a deep interior life with Christ.  This course will walk you through a door that will change forever the way you lead, love God, others, and yourself.  

Your research paper will be a stand-alone grade to receive 5 credits. You must pass research papers to receive your degree. Grading is based on a scale of 100%-0%. Each late day past the due date will be a deduction of 10% per day. Grading will be a culmination of how well you followed the outline of the content described in the syllabus as well as the content in your paper.


As Christians we face many challenges to our faith. False teachings and worldviews assault our loyalty to Christ. Suffering tempts us to think that God is not in control, or that he does have our best interests at heart. And our relationships with other believers are often strained to the point that we doubt the value of the church. But Paul had responses to these types of difficulties — responses that he outlined in his letters from prison.

Genesis 1–11 contains some of the most familiar stories in the Bible. The creation week, Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, Noah's ark, and the Tower of Babel. In its ancient context, this primeval history was not a simple historical record. In this course you will discover it was a forceful argument condemning Egypt and encouraging Israel to follow Moses to the Promised Land.