Apologetics deals with answering critics who oppose or question the revelation of God in Christ and the Bible. The purpose of this class is helping the student to "always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks them to give an account for the hope they have."
- Professor: Dr. Ann Black
The 21 Laws of Leadership is a powerful, definitive book describing timeless laws of leadership to help you be a great leader. In each chapter, John Maxwell goes straight to the heart of a profound leadership law, showing you the success and failure of others and how you can apply the law to your life. If you’re a willing student, you can learn the 21 Laws and put them into practice. Once you apply these leadership laws, you will be encouraged, and your ability to lead will expand. You may not be able to perfect all 21 Laws, but by learning them you will be able to build a team to help support you in leading well.
- Professor: Dr. Ann Black
Evangelical Christians affirm the Scriptures as God's inerrant word, but we still disagree sometimes over the meaning of particular verses or passages. And these differences can influence our Christian doctrine and practice. One reason for these disagreements is that there are many different approaches to interpreting the Bible. In this course we will discover approaches to interpretation and which is the most responsible.
- Professor: Dr. Cindy Byler
We sometimes lack a basic understanding of the overarching message and content of Scripture. We know what the Bible teaches about many different topics. But we do not know how these topics relate to the fundamental worldview of the Bible, and to the big picture of the Scripture. And we do not know how each part of Scripture contributes to this big picture. But when believers come to understand the main story of the Bible, many of the things we previously knew come into clearer focus. And many of the things that we used to find confusing begin to make sense. And we realize how each part of the Bible contributes to this meaning, we are better prepared to use the whole Bible in our Christian lives and ministries.
- Professor: Dr. Cindy Byler
Modern evangelical theology is extremely diverse. Even those only somewhat familiar with Christian doctrines are aware that devout believers have different views on many topics. Others wonder if theological unity is even a worthy goal. How are followers of Jesus to determine what theological convictions to hold? And what is more, how do we decide what level of conviction to assign to any particular Christian belief? What role does interpreting Scripture play? What can we learn from the hundreds of years of church tradition? How about our present church community? And what part should individual Christian living and judgment play? You will discover clear answers to all of these questions.
- Professor: Dr. Cindy Byler